Image gallery - IAS Remote
Mit dem IAS Remote Teleskop auf Hakos, Namibia aufgenommene Bilder.
Datenakquisition: IAS Remote Team
Bildbearbeitung: siehe jeweilige Bildbeschreibung
Images acquired with the IAS remote telescope at Hakos, Namibia.
Data acquisition: IAS Remote Team
Image processing: see respective image description
Copyright (C) 2021-2023 IAS Remote Team & image authors

Such colorful nebula complexes are among the most visually impressive objects in the night sky. They are interstellar clouds of dust, molecules, hydrogen, helium and other ionised gases where new stars are being born. This object, IC 2177, is listed not only in the IC catalog but also in others and known, for example, as Sh 2-292, RCW 2 and Gum 1. Image acquisition by IAS Remote Team 'Lukas'Image processing by Herbert Walter More infos:
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